And the future hangs over our heads
and it moves with each current event
until it falls all around like a cold steady rain
just stay in when it's looking this way
So I really need to learn how to prevent these stress-induced freakouts like the minor one I had tonight. I guess that is a natural reaction when one is burdened with tasks that, due to time constraints, are not humanly achievable. Finish the remaining 320 pages of Villette, write a response paper on it, read and fully comprehend cultural theory in a matter of an hour and be able to discuss it in-depth in class tomorrow, figure out what I'm gonna teach my class on Wednesday, prepare a paper I wrote over six months ago for a conference on Saturday, decide what my professional "specialty" is going to be, work out why my approach to literature is relevant to the current trends in cultural theory.....AHHH!!!!
And I'm also in the process of booking local shows as well as a tour for my band. One day at a time, Matthew, one day at a time. But that's the problem...the days all start to blend when you sleep so little and dream so much that you can't tell yesterday from tomorrow.