Monday, July 26, 2004

This weekend was a lot of fun.  I got to meet the 90-year-old Uncle Ersel.  He embodies the idea of somene being a "character."  Then we tubed down the Comal River, which was pretty relaxing after my near drowning and getting stuck in a whirlpool.  Central Texas is a beautiful place.  I mean, I'm sure there are good things about West, I'm sure there are good things, but the hill country is beautiful.  I would even put up with the insane humidity so I could live there.

And last night Amy and I saw Farenheit 9/11.  Amy succinctly stated, "Every American should see this movie."

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

You have to watch this: George W. Bush and John Kerry sing Woodie Guthrie's "This Land Is Your Land."

Well, I played my last Lubbock show tonight.  I don't have a lot to say about it.  I'm sad that I will no longer to get the chance to have such great musicians backing me up.  And I'll miss the crew that's been coming to shows since the Avogadro's Constant days (3 years ago).

I'm off to Eastland tomorrow then back to Lubbock then off to New Braunfels and back on Sunday.  Then I'm in Lubbock for 7 days before the move to Denver.

I've done more traveling in the past few weeks than I have in a long time...Abilene, Denver, Ruidoso, Georgetown, Belton.  I can't complain least it helps me procrastinate packing.

Friday, July 16, 2004

It’s all wrong.  By rights, we shouldn’t even be here, but we are.  It’s like in the great stories…the ones that really matter, full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end because how could the end be happy?  How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
But in the end it’s only a passing thing, a shadow.  Even darkness must pass.  A new day will come and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.  Those are the stories that stay with you, that meant something even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think I do understand.  I know now folk in those stories had lots of chances of turnin’ back, only they didn’t.  They kept goin’ cause they were holdin’ on to somethin’.  What are we holdin’ on to?  That there’s some good in this world, and it’s worth fightin’ for.

Monday, July 12, 2004

This is Sturm Hall, where I will have my office and teach classes. Below are a couple more pictures from the trip. And what else did I learn from the trip? Denver is not in the mountains, and the people we met in Colorado are just as friendly as Texans, if not moreso. Don't believe what people tell you.

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University Hall on the DU campus.

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the clock tower on 16th Street in downtown Denver.

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Amy and I leave for Denver tomorrow morning. For the next four days we will be enjoying some cool weather.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

save a horse, ride a cowboy

that was the name of one of the songs i heard while listening to the country music radio station today. one of the songs was pretty good, then one was clever, and i was starting to groove with the whole country music thing, then they had a listener call in and win some contest, and her sheer ignorance, indicated by her accent and her complete lack of thinking or speaking skills prompted me to quickly turn off the radio.

my tv is on now, and there is actually an "extreme dodgeball" tournament on some channel called GSN. what is our society coming to when a new movie can spawn such a craze? and the movie wasn't even that good. maybe i'll make a movie about people blowing up their SUVs and buying Vespas.