Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I should not be allowed to say the following things about America.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Yay! I figured out how to sell the Plan for Landing cds online. Go buy one at

I spent all afternoon filling out online forms and such trying to finalize everything at the university and get registered for classes. I almost signed up for a big loan that I don't need because my financial aid advisor is a complete moron and has no idea what she is talking about. Thank goodness years of academic training has taught me to question everyone and everything.

I'm finally having some success on Ebay. I sold my old laptop for a good price and have a good number of people watching the new item I have up for auction. Well, I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go eat a hotdog.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

wow...this is from my Univ. of Denver account, and I just have to post this (keep in mind that this is for 1 academic year):

Your estimated cost of attendance is $39,292.00.
You have been awarded financial aid which totals $39,292.00.

I'm so...relieved is the word I guess that my degree from the Univ. of Denver will be a terminal degree. I'm so sick of jumping through all the hoops for admissions and financial aid and parking permits and blah blah blah. At this point, I've received about 5 emails telling me this is my "last chance" to get something turned in or sent off when no one had informed me about it at all previously. It'd be like the phone company sending me a notice of disconnect without ever sending me a bill. ARGH!! I guess you could say my frustration has reached it's apogee.

In other news, I am doing nothing. I feel like a unproductive bum. But hey, my neighborhood on the Sims is growing at a staggering rate.

Monday, June 21, 2004

well, seems like my alternate method of making money on ebay instead of working a job isn't working so great. I mean, who doesn't want to get every 2003 issue of spin for only $10! Any of you who read this...have pity on me and make a bid.

The weekend was blast. Amy and I went to Lake Leon and rode on my sea-doo, skiied a bit, and got tossed around while desperately holding on to this raft thing while my uncle pulled us behind the boat at high speeds. and the only part of me that got sunburned was my scalp. thank you spf 30.

Plan for Landing / the needies show on Friday at J&B!!!

Monday, June 14, 2004

wow, the new dashboard video blows all their previous ones out of the water. i'm sure the extra money fronted by Columbia Pictures helped quite a bit. see the new vid here.

Posted by Hello

Friday, June 11, 2004

Help prevent Congress from reinstating the military draft. Click here!

some good times have been had in the last few days. after the PFL show at tokyo joe's, I got to hang out with Clint and several of my peeps from the old crew. hopefully the "old crew" can become more of the present-tense crew. that way we'll all get to hang out a lot before amy and i move to denver.

last night I played a solo show in Clovis, NM which went pretty well after I got over my initial nervousness (that was my first solo show in months). when they turned out the lights for me to start playing, i looked down and could not see my guitar. that's how dark it was. it's kinda hard to put your fingers in the right places on the guitar fretboard when you can't see it. some cool people came up to talk to me after my set, and i had fun hanging out with the 80s Combat boys and seeing them play. Amy went with me even though she had to be at work at 8am the next morning...and we didn't end up getting home until after 2am. what a rock n' roll trooper.

I want to write a novel. I don't know what about or how to do it, but the desire is there nonetheless.

Monday, June 07, 2004

it's nice to be back into somewhat of a schedule, even if it is little more than a schedule for loafing. and i know this isn't "brand new" to everyone like it is to me, but how cool is it that i'm sitting in a coffee shop with no wires or cords whatsoever attached to my computer, yet i'm making a post and surfing the net. i'm so tech savvy, or maybe just a computer nerd. yesterday, i finally finished Angels and Demons. i'm in such a reading frenzy, i launched right into Baghdad Express: A Gulf War Memoir, the latter written by a guy from Minnesota. it's wierd how a LOT of the new good authors are coming out of Minnesota. what's the deal with that, Jesse? maybe you should write a book about your pain in the arse thesis advisor.

i really have nothing significant to say, but i do want to direct you to some photos that nate (bass player for Plan for Landing) took. he's in montreal for the summer, and he also spent some time in NYC and took some great pictures, which you can see here.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Excerpt from an article by Fred Kaplan:
"Another hit on the White House this week comes from Time, which unearthed a Pentagon e-mail message indicating that Vice President Dick Cheney played a role in arranging for Halliburton to win the multibillion-dollar, no-bid contracts for construction and logistics in post-Saddam Iraq. Cheney, of course, had been CEO of Halliburton before Bush chose him as his running mate, a connection that raised eyebrows when his former company started profiting so grandly from the occupation. The e-mail is the first tangible sign of a direct Cheney link. In any event, such blatant political interference in the awarding of a large military contract is, at very least, a violation of Pentagon procurement regulations."

That's it...I'm moving to Europe as an expatriate.

In non-political news, I got my first professional massage today. It was a warm stone massage, and it was amazing.